Wednesday, February 10, 2016

On the road with Dr Peter Vardy

For the last week and a half, I've been off campus as part of Dr Peter Vardy's Candle Conferences Ethics tour..

My wonderful colleagues Dr Ben Trubody and Professor Melissa Raphael have been covering my teaching at the University (lucky students!), and I've been using Skype as much as train/hotel wi-fi will allow!

By the end of this week I'll have given my 'I ❤️ Kant' talk to nearly 4000 A-level students from around 200 Schools / Colleges. I apologise for the meme-filled slides (you can find a copy via twitter, where I am @davidwebster, if you really want to see them).

It's been really interesting talking with students and teachers - and I hope some of you are excited by what we do on the RPE course here. While I have found all the travel, and big audiences exciting, but slightly tiring - but Peter has enough energy for the whole audience- and has always made sure the debates have been very lively!

Dr Peter Vardy - in London.
You can also see me in conservation with Dr Vardy at 

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