Saturday, December 16, 2006

Convert or Die?

Thanks to Jason (level 2) for this link to a Christian computer game story - in which you have to convert or kill the heathens...


  1. Anonymous4:23 pm

    ..... That's shocking. Still, i remember some sort of 'delta force' game having a massively anti-muslim feel a few years ago (where the missions were just to gun down every 'foreigner' you could find) It seems a little strange that the group most vocally condemning about banning violent games (American christians) will happily condone it if it serves their cause.

  2. Anonymous8:50 am

    Thanks, Jason, for finding this article. Secular society, hey? It's great. You get it in the neck if you wear a headscarf. You get it in the neck if you wear a cross. But as long as somebody is making a measly dividend all of a sudden you can have 'religion' in the public sector.

    Frichner's a well-informed man. I like his idea of pacifism. As long as you're gunning the baddie, what's violent about that? Yep. That's a sharp, smart definition of pacifism. And he's sharply accurate on the Muslim idea of Jesus too.

    I think we need Borat to have a go with the game. I'm sure he'd love it. Gratuitous humour is the only way to square gratuitous violence, coz I don't think Frichner is the kind of guy who gravitates towards reading up on a subject. Six figures would be his idea of 'well-informed'. Borat's spotlight on idiocy would be the only way for an idiot to see his idiocy.
