
Friday, April 20, 2012

New Blogs: Philosophy of Religion, and 'spiritual' images..

Dr Roy Jackson, the RPE Course Leader has a new blog at - which has loads of material on the Philosophy of Religion.

This includes short videos, blog posts, a sample chapter from the 2nd edition of his book The God of Philosophy, web-links, and more. He will also be expanding it as time goes on. It will be of interest to our students, but also to those revising for religion, philosophy and ethics in an A Level context...

While on the subject of blogs - I have a new one at for my (ever-growing) collections of odd/unusual Buddha images, and for images related to my interest in Mind/Body/Spirit self-presentations..

Feel free to look at the picture blog too (the Budha stuff may need you to look at some of the past pages, as there is a growing archive in them). You can also submit images to this gallery/photo-blog at


1 comment:

  1. It will be of interest to our students, but also to those revising for religion, philosophy and ethics in an A Level context...

