
Thursday, November 24, 2011

The God of Philosophy

Just thought some might like to know that the 2nd edition of RPE tutor Dr Roy Jackson's The God of Philosophy is now out!

Info at

Roy has published extensively as you can see HERE

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Gloucestershire Philosophical Society

A list of upcoming talks - at which our students are always welcome - can always be found at

Some info about the next ones:

Wed.Nov. 9th. 2011. FCH Room HC203. Malcolm Pritchard and Harry Cowen (Gloucestershire Philosophical Society): “The University of the Future: What Role For Philosophy?”.
In the current period of material uncertainty, the humanities, including philosophy, are coming under attack. Yet in recent decades major intellectual works have appeared in political and social philosophy, ethics, philosophy of mind, etc. So what is happening to the nature of the university? What will/should be the role of philosophy in higher education?
Wed. Nov. 30th. 2011. 7.30.p.m. FCH Room HC203. Dr. Oren Ben-Dor, University of Southampton: “The temporal persistence of differend: reflections on Art, Truth and Practical Reason.” : Reading Heidessger and Spinoza, the talk discusses how mortals are as nature, and how this relationship originates in the primordial truth of unconcealement. Reinterpreting Lyotard, Oren focuses on the temporal, material and political aspects of this relationship. Oren is the author of 'Thinking About Law: In silence with Heidegger', 2007. .
Wed. Dec. 7th. 2011. 7.30.p.m. FCH Room HC203. Professor Alessandra Tanesini, Cardiff University: “Science, Values and Impartiality”. In this talk Alessandra Tanesini examines and ultimately rejects the view that science must be autonomous, value neutral and impartial. Instead she defends the claim that ethical and political values are an inevitable part of science and that at least in some cases their influence on scientific knowledge is positive. (Please note that before the talk there will be a short AGM.)

Glad you asked?

Forgot I had done this! It is only an edited (not by me...) sample - but may provide some entertainment..

Saturday, November 05, 2011

New visitors

I have just come back from an Open Day here in Cheltenham, talking to people about the RPE course...

I thought I'd pop a post here in case any of them/you are looking for more info...

The blog archives are a good start - including ones about our field trip, and our 'worst argument' competition... - just browse and see what is there.

Also - see the course Facebook group at: - you don't have to join to look at info here, but anyone with an interest is welcome to join - and feel free to post questions and chat with our current and past students. can give you more info about the town, and has loads of info re Cheltenham International Literature Festival, and the others festivals that the town hosts  - more about this HERE..

 Of course - you can always get in touch via email: and ask us questions...